Wednesday, June 1, 2011

No Bueno

You know those days when everything comes together perfectly, you hit only green lights and there's not a cloud in your personal sky? Today has not been one of those days.  It's gone a little something like this:

0630 - Wake up from series of mundane boring dreams about changing diapers and measuring box springs. Say farewell to Jack as he heads to Virginia for a conference and then to visit his great-aunt.

0700 - Petal wakes up, an hour later than usual. Probably because she went to bed late last night, which in turn probably occurred because she took an extra long nap yesterday afternoon. Unsure how to get her back on schedule. Also note that she has stood up in the crib for the first time and extra precautions will need to be taken to ensure that she does not topple out of said crib.

0900 - Feed Petal pureed apples, which are a huge hit until the split second that her entire palette changes and she begins to shriek hysterically as though I'm feeding her the dreaded green beans. Declare breakfast over.

0925 - Attempt to get Petal to take her morning nap (Normal nap time is 0900.) Endure 40 minutes of screaming, flipping onto tummy and other shenanagins to avoid sleep. Finally crash at 1005.

1010 - Notice that cat has produced hairball approximately 3 inches long and 1/2 an inch wide. Ponder how cat could have possibly coughed up something this massive while cleaning it up.

1020 - Attempt to follow up on request made by Mother-in-Law (MIL for short) several weeks ago to create email address for Petal. Initially made mistake of using Petal's real birthday when completing set up process, which led to denial of account and implications that am interested in child porn. Ran into same problem when trying to create gmail account for mother, as browser had apparently saved Petal's birthdate. Had to explain to confused 61-year-old borderline computer illiterate mother that gmail said she wasn't old enough to have an account. Was able to get around problem by changing browsers, to tried that again today without success, only vague message about account not able to be completed at this time. Suspect that gamil is on to us about Petal being underage.

1045 - Feed Petal and make our way to the gym, arriving only five minutes after yoga class has started, which is pretty good for us these days. Attempted to hand Petal to Kids Klub staff member and am met with intense resistance (by Petal, not by staff member.) Realize that Petal's stranger anxiety, after a latent period of several weeks, is back full force. Spend 40 minutes in Kids Klub attempting to get Petal sufficiently acclimated before admitting defeat.

1145 - Attempt to drop off prescription using fancy drive through system at pharmacy. Manage to send tube off empty and am unable to get it to return. Defeated again, park car and lug pale, easily flushed child back into the late spring Maryland sunshine (heat index, 105.) In line for pharmacy, get stuck behind pharmaceutical  rep monopolizing pharmacist. Think nasty thoughts about pharmaceutical industry.

1208 - Mail Netflix envelope that both Jack and I managed to screw up mailing yesterday. Congratulate self on making it to the mailbox a whole hour before pickup, ensuring it will go out with today's mail. Return home to see that my mail has been delivered early, which most likely means the mail in the street mailbox was picked up early too. FML.

1230 - Webcam chat with Shakira. Ask her if she got the job at the international school that she interviewed for. Met with puzzlement as Shakira explains that she isn't supposed to hear for a few weeks. Insist that had been told Wednesday, as normally have very good memory for that sort of thing.

1320 - Remember that am scheduled to have webcam chat with mother and her class of preschoolers. Realize that V-neck t-shirt and sports bra produce a lot of cleavage, which get amplified on webcam. Attempt to tuck shirt into sports bra to avoid indecent exposure to class of four year olds.

1420 - Attempt to get Petal to take her afternoon nap, normally scheduled for 1400. After similar antics that occurred with morning nap, she falls asleep after 20 minutes. Debate whether should use down time to work on work at home job, do housework or read book. Opt to read new Erik Larson title that purchased for Jack but poached from his nightstand to read because it looked interesting.

1540 - Petal up. Think (for the thousandth time) how inopportune it is that Petal's babysitter is unavailable this week and that all playgroup events this week will be held outdoors (No thanks, too freaking hot.) Consider asking babysitter to come Monday- Friday next week so that can get work done. Remember that babysitter is turning 21 on Tuesday - crap, should have chosen nun-like babysitter with no discernible social life instead of pretty young college student.

1605 - Have Petal bare butt on changing table when phone rings. Fairly certain that it is Jack, so grab undiapered baby and run to bedroom to pick up phone. Can't hear Jack on his cell phone, finally ascertain that he is calling from a parking garage and will call back once he gets reception.

1615 - Still waiting for Jack to call back, and worried that will be late for gym class AGAIN. Call Jack and tell him headed to gym. He says he misses Petal and me, feel sorry for him that he will be stuck in the house all alone while Petal and I are in New England (leaving a month from today!)

1625 - Make it to Kids Klub five whole minutes before gym class starts, yes! Unfortunately, this means that Petal's favorite Kids Klub worker has not arrived yet. Make token efforts to get Petal acclimated to unfamiliar staff member but suspect that it will be in vain. See preferred staff member arrived, plot how can deposit Petal in her lap without offending new staff member. Finally, scoop up Petal and tell her that we are going to "say hi to CareBear." (Her real name is obviously not CareBear, but she is cheerful like a carebear.)

1645 - Leave gym defeated again.

1650 - Back to pharmacy, drive through this time. Told that I don't have health insurance. Produce health insurance card and told that will have to wait for info to be processed. Meanwhile, Petal is screaming in the back seat. Told that health insurance will not cover my Synthroid prescription since it is brand name. Am confused because have had coverage through this plan since October and have always had Synthroid covered. Tell pharmacy tech will call insurance company and come back later. Begin drive home, remembering all the problems we've had with this insurance and shudder.

1658 - Get text message from friend Mrs. Ice saying that she got the job. Remember that Mrs. Ice is the one who said she would hear about her job interview on Wednesday, not Shakira. Feel like crappy friend and crappy sister.

1700 - Call insurance company and explain problem. Am told that prior authorization is required for Synthroid and that I have been receiving it since October in error. Inquire about steps to obtain authorization and learn that I will have to call my endocrinologist's office, they will have to call the insurance company and that I will then have to get the pharmacy to change the fill date on the prescription if I want this bottle covered.   Realize that project will have to be delayed as it is after business hours.

1815 - Attempt to feed Petal a dinner that she normally enjoys, oatmeal and yogurt. Am met with shrieks of protest. Suspicions that another tooth is coming in confirmed. Prepare self for several days of food refusal, crankiness and sleepless nights.

But, despite the title of this post, there were parts of the day that were bueno. Like unexpectedly getting free shipping when ordering Dad's birthday gift from the National Geographic Store (my new favorite site for gifts.) And in between (and even during) bouts of crankiness, Petal was adorable and hilarious. For a sure -fire webcam crowd pleaser,  I lay a blanket on the floor and she launches herself onto it and cuddles and strokes it. I love a good blanket myself, so she gets that from me. 


  1. You are in desperate need of an amber teething necklace and a 32 oz glass of I hope tomorrow is a more relaxing day :)

  2. I love how you slowly morph into Bridget Jones in this post, when you are CLEARLY Shazzer. :P
